itz finally the end of the weekdayz n hello to the weekendz...anyway this week i encountered more upz then downz all thanx to yue mei who gave me loads of advice on how to settle my problemz...thanx alot yue!! after settling my problemzz,i found out that i should alwayz have trust & faith in my best friend & never ever think he/she iz lying to you coz like i've said it he/she iz your best friend,& as your best friend they would not lie to you or even ditch you for no reason or else why in the world iz he/she your best friend isn't it?? soo to ken sing ermm sorry about not talkin to you properly last friday n also durin the weekendz...i know how it feelz being clueless on what'z goin thru my head & thinking why am i feelin all bleah...but anyway at least we manage to settle our problem a.s.a.p before it could get worst rite haha!! soo from all diz i guess that friendship iz very very important ecspecially with a best friend & we should just let it all out if you are having any problemz coz who noez, maybe problemz can be solve by talkin & discussin about it...sometimez it feeelz soo sooo much better after letting it all out & trust me itz a great feeling...besides that i manage to settle the biggest problem ever this wuz kinda hard for me actually coz it had brought me down several timez n many of 'her' frenz n also mine were advisin me 2 settle it a.s.a.p so nobody getz hurt badly...but hey i did it & resulting both of us being good friendzz although it wuz sad ending but hey being good friendzzz iz a great anyway before signing off i juz wanna define friendzz as people who haz a special bond with a person & willl alwayz support you in whatever you do.besides that friendzz are people who will alwayz be there for conclusion i'm pretty much glad havin the current friendz i have now....last wordz from me,i would just like to thank hon meng,daniel & of corse my best budz singzz & ally for cheerin me up n givin me the advice i needed when i had problemz 'yal should noe which problem i'm talkin about' frm me happy reading n enjoy diz blog entry!!