Saturday, January 12, 2008

tagged by see wei

I've been tagged by see wei. What are the 5 classes that i would attend to improve my life?

1. Advanced french class to brush up on my french language...same goes with mandarin classes to be able to speak fluent mandarin...

2. Model class so i will be able to know how to model hahahahaha....jokin!!

3. OB,MICE,FO,HK,CA classses so i can score good results for that!!! gosh.....

4. Gym lessons so i would be able to be FIT n lose my god damn fatz!!

5. Yoga lessons to find more peace & serenity hehehe

Its time to tag some people to do the same thing:

1. Herald
2. Jojo
3. Jo-Ann
4. Leanne
5. Jocelyn

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